Glory in Brazil
Today I am in Conceicao das Alagoas in a cybercafe. The schedule is brutal, but worth it all for the glory of God regularly shows up.
This is my first trip report from Brazil, read and enjoy. 
Hallelujah to the Lord the Mighty One on the Throne!!
November 6th. Igreja Batista do Avimento Church, Araxa Brazil. 
This church is a 1000 member church in a very dark area ruled by Santeria and Macumba cults, much demonic possession.  But at the name of Jesus they must obey.
We had about 100 salvations this night, all glory and honor to the one who made that possible.  When I called for the sick to come forward to pray over 500 came forward.  I quickly called the pastoral team forward and prayed in impartation prayer over them so I wouldn’t be there all night.  We saw three demonic manifestations that were successfully eliminated by the blood of Jesus.

Praise Jesus for His mighty healing power.  This night saw many healed by that glorious name.  So many I lost track, suffice it to say hundreds left that night with all they needed from Jesus.  Some highlights:
One man with 90% hearing loss healed.
Many with migraines healed instantly.
Many with back pain, kidney pain, arthritis were all healed instantly
One little lady came forward with her hand over her mouth.  She had perpetual bad breath.  You could smell it. After prayer her breath was sweet like a baby.
November 7th Igreja Batista Nacional, Uberlandia Brazil
Smaller church of about 300 in a very large (500,000) city
As I prayed in my room this afternoon.  The Lord spoke to me and said that His anointing was on me for His glory. "To the spiritual man, the supernatural seems natural"  Jackie Pullinger.
We had 2 come forward for salvation tonight.  All glory to Jesus my Lord.  If this had been all I had seen this trip would be worthwhile.  But at the altar time the presence of the Lord shows up so strong and I am overwhelmed frequently with His power as He heals.
Some highlights:
A lady with painful skin lesions on her feet.  The Lord spoke to me and said, "slather her feet in anointing oil."  I did and after about a minute she said her feet were getting hot.  I told her that was God healing her.  I went to pray for another and she again said her feet were hot.  The lesions were closing up.  She couldn’t walk before but now she could.
One little lady with heart and leg problems and was carried in was healed and walked out on her own.
One man with Parkinson disease was shaking badly.  After prayer the shaking has slowed considerably and I told him he was healed and the shaking would soon go away completely.
A lady came and and shared that her husband, once valiant in the faith had gone away.  Her shop had lost many customers and she feared the future.  I saw she had lost her authority covering and asked the pastor to be that for her.  As I prepared to pray, she spoke to the interpreter and told him "This man (meaning me) is anointed, I can feel it"  As I prayed she started weeping uncontrollably as the Holy Spirit ministered to her.  I told her that She would be fine until her husband came back.
November 8th, Igreja Batista Nacional, Uberaba Brazil
This is a church of about 200 in Uberaba a city of about 300,000.  Here my interpreter was Val a YWAMer who had spent about 18 month is America.  He is a pastor in another church in Uberaba and a wonderful man of God whom I grew to love much.  These people are so lovely and I love them all.
We had about 20 come forward for salvation to make that eternal covenant with the Living God.  All praise to the wonderful One.
Again the Lord moved in power and wonder.  Many instant healings.
Some highlights:
One boy with extreme nearsightedness.  He couldn’t see three feet away and had to wear very thick lenses.  I prayed for him and he could see well.
A man came up with a crutch.  The people informed me that Peter, another evangelist who is traveling right before me has prayed for this man the last evening and he had removed one crutch. This man had falled off a roof and severaly broke both ankles.  The were locked in place, but with the prayer of Peter and myself about 80% movement came back.  Isn´t that just like our Lord to let all His people share in His glory.
One man deaf in one ear was healed.
One lady with heart and lung problems was healed.
So many were touched and healed I lost track.  I was just in heaven as the wonderful One worked through me.


Second Report
These reports are just the bare bones reports, much more is happening that I simply cannot report for brevity.  There is even more going on I have no clue as the Lord is truly the Mighty One on the throne.
November 9th: Conceiçao das Algoas.  Small town a few hours from Uberaba.  They had not interpreter so Tika from Uberaba volunteered.  She is a sweet Christian.  Two churches (Igrejas) combined for this event. Batista Nacional Nova Vida and Pentecostal Missione with about 200 people all together.  Sweet people.  Tika was late getting there as she has school and it is an hour taxi ride, (a 2 1/2 hour bus ride as the bus stops EVERYWHERE!! (they are called Pinga Pinga busses by the locals!)  I think if a dog yawns by the road they stop!!!!  Ha Ha.
We had no salvations here.  These Christian need to get with the program and realize these crusades are not just for them.  I told them as much too.
But we had about 50 to 70 healings this night.  Praise Jesus for His mighty work.
One lady said that when I prayed for her the fire of the Lord fell on her and she was healed of tremendous shoulder pain.
Another lady had pain in her foot and I prayed and the pain moved up into her leg.  So I got after the devil and told him to release her completely and the pain left for good.
A man came with a headache and I prayed expecting it to go.  It didn’t and I asked him what he was thinking.  He said that a Macumba witch had cursed him and he got the headache.  We removed the curse and the headache went away.
November 10th: Belo Horizonte.  Large (3 million) city in central north Southeast Brazil
Igreja Batista Nacional Contagem.  Large 1000 member church in large suburb of Belo Horizonte
My translator was the very best I have had.  A wonderful man of God who served much in Africa among the Muslims.  He saw many miracles of healing and salvation there.  It was a great joy to meet him and his wife. 
Wow does God every love these people.  This church is very alive and the heavens pierced into this church.  All pastors and elders are very formal in suits and all.  I came in with my slacks and short sleeved shirts.  I would melt in  suit.  It didn’t matter as God moved and all saw how big He is.
About 40 came forward for salvation.
Over 200 came forward for healing and other things.  I prayed impartation prayer over the staff and elders seated behind me.  I wanted them to taste the glory and for the glory to remain in that church.
One of the elders came to me at the end and said "The gift of healing was immediately transferred to me.  I prayed for three people who where healed."  Isn’t God just marvelous?
Again I saw many healings and much faith here.  Headaches, back pains, asthma, etc. 
November 11th: Ipatinga.  Big new (47 years) city with very large steel mill.  Largest in Latin America. Very rich city with first McDonalds I have seen.
Igreja Batista Nacional de Nova Vida. 500 member church.  This is a church that welcomes the Lord and makes Him glad to visit.  The worship is rocking to say the least.  During worship the Holy Spirit fell on me and I ran to the front and started dancing before the Lord not even seeing the people around me.  Oh the joy that filled my heart as I felt the intense pleasure of the Lord.  What fun, what joy!
0 Salvations (Come on you people bring in the lost for these meetings!! we are so afraid to speak to the non Christian.)
About 50 came forward for healing.
One woman with very poor eyesight came forward and was healed.
One man with deaf right ear healed
One boy with pain in his heals due to injury.  Prayed and pain went into his neck, again I rebuked the enemy and pain went away.  This is twice, what are you saying Lord?
Many others, headaches, back pains, kidney, stomach instant relief.
November 12: Ubaporanga.  Small poor city in a mountain valley.
Igreja Batista Nacional de Nova Vida.  Crusade was in school yard with all small churches participating.  Was Monday night and attendance was light.  People seemed lethargic as this was the last of the services for this week.  But God has His ways!!!  Hallelujah to the Lord so rich in mercy.
4 came forward for salvation.  Isn’t God so good!!  If only one had come forward this whole trip and none were healed it would be worth it wouldn’t it??!!
At the start is the healing service a woman came forward and wanted to give her testimony of her healing.  She was crying out to the Lord that day for a healing of her intense pain in her shoulders.  She believed she would be healed that night.  As she entered into the compound the fire of God fell on her and she was instantly and completely healed.  Oh my beautiful Lord it is all you!!!  HALLELUJAH to you oh my master and savior.  The faith took a leap forward and many more were healed and released that night.
November 13: San Lucas de Rio Verda.  A small agricultural town in North Central Brazil.  This area looks like central California or maybe Nebraska, completely flat with very large farms all around. Verdant and green, large farm equipment out planting in the fields. Large Cargill storage facilities in the towns.  Just the Portuguese signs giving it away I was in another hemisphere.
Igreja Batista Nacional Renovaçao Espiritual, pastor Edvaldo Alves.
The life of an international evangelist!  We left Ubaporanga at 10:30 pm after the service there.  Pastor Magno Dornelas and a friend drove me to the Belo Horizonte airport for a 6:30 flight to Cuiaba.  It was a 5 hour drive in the middle of the night.  I couldn’t sleep and so I stayed awake to sing and keep the driver awake.  We got to the airport at 3:30, a bit early.  We parked and I dropped the seat and slept for maybe a hour and a half.  Caught my flight to Sao Paulo airport, was unable to sleep much on the plane as it was very full and those by me were very active and talking loudly and moving around.  Had a two hour layover in Sao Paulo, got a little coffee to help.  Got to Cuiaba at 1:30 PM, had lunch as drove 6 hours to San Lucan de Rio Verde.  We got there at 7:30 when I was supposed go the meeting. But I stunk so they dropped me off at the hotel and I showered and changed and ran to the church.  I was very tired but trusted God to supply the strength to serve him.
Arrived at the church and saw a large new church building full of people.  I knew this was a relatively new work and was surprised at what I saw.  I asked the interrupter how old the church work was.  6 years.  Wow what is going on the Spirit was intense even just going into the building.  They were just ending the worship service and a man was passionately praying.  We came in a side door right by the pulpit area and I saw the pastor down on his face weeping behind his pulpit.  Then I knew what was happening.  He was a pastor with a broken heart before His God.  His type is a rare breed in the church.  God moves at the prayers of such.  This is a heavenly rich church.  Hallelujah to the Lord so passionate and rich in love.  I went in and joined him at the area behind the pulpit and the Lord also dropped on me and I wept and cried out to God and joined that dear brother.
It was then the Lord supplied the strength for the night.  I preached and we had fun in the Lord.
About 100 came forward for Salvation.
Over 200 came forward for healing.  So many were healed and released.  Pastor and associate pastor prayed after I had prayed an impartation prayer of them.
Back pains, headaches, bronchitis, etc, etc.  All gone with the incredible power of God.
Got back to the hotel at 1:00 PM, so tired I had a hard time walking straight.  But so happy in my Lord.
God’s Richest Blessings on all who read this!!!


Here is my third report on what is happening in Brazil.  Read and let God speak to you.  Hallelujah to the Lord so mighty and strong.
November 14, Igreja Batista Espiritual, Sorriso (Smile) Brazil
Another live church with live people.  What a blessing to serve you oh my Lord and God!!  You are the able One the powerful One - full of might!!!
I preached on the trials and triumphs of the Lord.
Salvations 40-50 came forward.  Holy Spirit hit me and I cried as these beautiful people came forward.
150 came forward for healing.  Holy Spirit continued to envelope me with His glory and I wept as I ministered His healing power.  Many instantly released.  My good friend and interpreter D.J. Oliveria is a great man of God.  I spoke to him as I prayed for many knowing God’s power to heal and said to him, Watch This!! in many who were healed of headaches, back pains, kidney stones, stomach problems etc.  So powerful and wonderful is our God!!
One lady brought a baby bag and brought out a small pink pull over.  Baby sick in the hospital and doctors said no hope.  But Dr. Jesus thought different.  Where there is no hope He brings hope.  Holy Spirit hit me and I crumpled to the floor with the small pink garment in my hands and wept wiping my tears with the clothing.  I stood up and gave it back to the woman (child’s aunt) and said bring to the child and healing would occur.  We visited the hospital the next day and the mother said that when they put the pink garment on the baby, she quieted down from her desperate struggle and started sleeping.  The doctors were amazed.  Hallelujah to the Lord the Healing Lord.
November 15, Second night in Sorriso.

Hallelujah to the Lord so full of love.  This church love me and demanded me back for a second round. 
Preached on power of intimacy with God.
Refiner Mal 3:1-3
We are His temple. I Cor. 3:16
Son needs the Father John 5:19-20
He chooses the weak. I Cor. 1:27-29
He is ( I AM) the Way, Truth, Life. John 14:6 - A person not concept or idea.
Truth in feeding 5000 Mark 6:35-44 
Watch and think Mark 6:45-52
True Love KEEPS God’s Word. John 14:23.
About 40 salvations tonight.  Such a wonderful Lord to save the sinner.
Another 150 came forward for healing as many had heard of what happened last night.  Glory to the King!!!  So many healed and set free from all pain and disease.  Something funny is happening here.  My hands as they are covered with anointing oil grow hot as I approach someone to pray indicating they will be healed.  What is this Lord?  Hallelujah to Jesus the Wonderful, Powerful Truth.
November 16, Igreja Presbiteriana Renovda - Sinop Brazil.
Wow this is like no Presbyterian Church I have ever seen!!  This church could be heard a block away with the loud praise lifting up the Holy One.  Such a church welcomes the Holy Spirit to come down and show Himself strong.  There were 1000 people on the floor and balcony and hundreds outside listening to loud speakers.  This kind of abandoned, extravagant worship tears heaven open, fighting it down as Evan Roberts spoke about the Welsh revival of 1904 - 05.
Preached on Ephesians 1: - 2:1-9  Living in the Heavenly Places.
I broke down in the call to the lost and wept before the Holy One.  80-100 came forward, many weeping as they came to the Lord who loves them.  The presence of the Lord thickened and the Holy Spirit hovered near.  Such a wonderful presence.  Praise you oh God of wonders and mystery!!
Many healings tonight as God who is so able moved in power.
My hands are flaming to almost unbearable heat.  I need to blow in them at times to cool.  When I hear of the healing needs they will seem to ignite and they are bright red to look at.  That person is healed as sure as God is God.
Many headaches, back aches, stomach problems, kidney stones, gall stones.  Gone instantly.
A woman with a stomach tumor as large as a big ball.  You could see it and feel it that is until prayer and it vanished.  The woman wept as she felt around for it and said "It’s gone!!!"
A boy came forward wanting to be done with his thick glasses.  My mind said no, but Dr. Jesus said yes as my hands flared with heat and the eyes were healed, 20/20 vision.
Another woman with no vision in right eye and only 10% vision in left eye, full vision after prayer.  She wept before He healing God, Jehovah Rapha.
A woman with closed womb, my hand again ignited and she will get pregnant.
Hallelujah to the Lord so might and strong.
I left Sinop at 11:30 pm to arrive in Cuiaba at 8:30 next morning to barely catch a bus to Missarol.
November 17, Igreja Batista Nacional, Missarol de Oeste, Brazil.
Got to bus station and saw man at foot of bus door and Lord said "He is my man"  Pastor Adair Figueira. 
Preached on knowing God not knowing about, Dying to self.
12 came forward for Salvation.  So precious in His eyes.  Praise you Oh Lord - Your Harvest - the reward of your suffering!!!
Healings continue unabated.
Another woman with a large stomach tumor the size of a large softball.  Instantly removed.  Wow OH my Lord just like the woman in Sinop.
Another woman was healed as she stood in the line waiting.  Isn’t that just like the Lord of GLORY!!
November 18, Igreja Batista Nacional, Pontes de Lacerda.  Pastor Antonio Luiz Freitas.  Wonderful man of God.
Two services, first at 5:30 and second at 8:00 pm.  Spoke on The Supernatural Church at both services.  First service broadcast over internet. I got DVD´s of both as well.
During preaching at first service the Holy Spirit hit me and down I went before the Lord.  Oh God you are so wonderful and beautiful!!!
5 came forward for Salvation.
70+ came forward for healing.
Second service.  Many in audience weeping as power of the Word of God worked in their hearts.
6 came forward for Salvation.
80+ for healing.
Again hands flamed to show who would be healed.  Now visions are happening as well.  Is this a new pattern oh my God?
Woman came forward with vocal cord problems.  I placed my hand on her throat and had a vision of the vocal chords all thickened and with some white sticky stuff on them.  Then the vision changed to smooth and slender chords and her healing started.  Hallelujah to the Lord.
A man with an infection in the sinus under his eye and a heart that had severe pain.  The Holy Spirit told me the infection in the sinus had entered the heart. I prayed for sinus infection under his eye and it left.  I placed my hand over his heart and saw in a vision his heart with the bacteria as little points of light in the arterial openings to the heart.  I prayed and saw them swept away and all pain went away.
A woman with a very sore shoulder.  She didn’t expect to sudden healing.  My hands roared to high heat and I prayed over her shoulder, handling it rather roughly.  I stepped back and asked her to lift her arm.  She did and her eyes filled with tears as her pain was all gone.  She said, "It’s like it has been anesthetized."
A woman with severe arthritis pain in back.  Prayed and asked her how she was.  She said "I still am in pain".  I said "bend over!"  She did and with a surprised look on her face said all pain is gone!!
What a lord of Glory.
That night at the pastor’s house we had dinner and were talking.  They were asking me how I came to do what I am doing.  As I spoke the Lord drew near and the interpreter said he felt the need to pray.  Suddenly he bowed down and started weeping loudly.  The pastor and his wife were also weeping.  Tears also filled my eyes as the Lord moved richly in our hearts.
November 19, Igreja Batista Independente Ebenezer, Varzea Grande (Cuiaba) Brazil.
Small church of about 125 people.  So sweet and loving.
3 Salvations.
Many healed.  Two twin sisters healed of epilepsy and stomach problems.  The Lord spoke and said the stomach pain taken away is sign of greater healing of epilepsy.
November 20th, Igreja do Evanglho Quadrangler (Four Square Church) Itapema Brazil.
Met Pastor Joao Motta and interpreter Ferinade at the airport.  I shouted Hallelujah as I entered their area and saw them.  I hugged them and saw Pastor had tears in his eye.   This church also welcomes the Lord of Glory into their midst.  Wonderful worship time.  Pastor shared with his flock that as I came into their area in the airport and shouted Hallelujah the glory of the presence of the Lord started filling the space.  He told them that he would go to US to get me if necessary.
I preached with power and many wept in the congregation.
15 Salvations.
Many healed
One woman with bad feet said she felt heat in her feet as God healed her.
Another woman felt heat in her stomach as she was also healed.
One woman said her hands were also heating up as I approached her in the line.  She was totally healed.
One boy in a cast with a very hurting leg, and who couldn´t stand long nor walk with it very long. I prayed and he said his leg in the cast got very hot and all pain was gone.
Praise Jesus my beautiful Lord of Glory.  You are abundent in mercy and powerful in Love.
Much love to all who read this. 



November 23-24, Igreja do Evangelho Quadranglur , Pastor Edson Machado, Translator Hilgon Leite.


 Another alive church.  Hallelujah to the Lord.  Two days of Glory in Barracao Brazil.  Right on the border with Argentina.


We had 0 salvations the first night, but on the second we were on Radio so we probably had many, but we don’t know.  We just know that God sends out His Word without fail.


We did see hundreds of healings again!! Isn’t the Lord mighty and strong so faithful!!??




One may with very poor eyesight and nearly deaf.  We prayed and he suddenly could hear and was astounded.  He took off his coke bottle glasses and could see things he could only see with the glasses before.  He was so very excited.  Oh Glory Lord!!!


Another man with diabetes and severe pain in his legs.  The Lord spoke to me and said that when I prayed He would heal him and remove the pain in his legs as a sign.  I prayed for healing of his diabetes and the pain disappeared in his legs.  He rejoiced with lifted hands to the Lord who heals.


A young lady with a back with a permanent twist from an injury in youth came and said that the Lord told her to come that evening and that the man there would lay his hands on her back and pray and He would heal her.  I prayed and she said she felt something “pull” at her back and it straightened out.  All Glory to the King of Kings!!


Another young lady with tear of pain and a bad case of TMJ, her jaw locked and hurting.  I prayed and she heard a series of pops and suddenly her jaw was working smoothly.


A woman with a tumor in her breast, when I prayed, said she felt a heat in her breast the tumor disappeared.


So many more were released from pain and disease from the Lord who bore our diseases and carried our sicknesses.


November 25-26, Igreja Evangelica Assembleia Crista, Apucarana, Brazil.  Pastor Reginaldo Martin, Translator Michelle Bueno.


A small church of loving people.  All Glory to the Lord Strong and Mighty.   Two more nights of the Glory of God.


5 Salvations in all.  The biggest miracle of all my brothers and sisters.  This trip would be complete with just one salvation.  Oh what a wonder is our God!!!


About 60 healings in all.




Former Missionary, with diabetes and a closed womb.  Desperately wanted a child.  The Lord spoke to me while on the podium prior to preaching that when I prayed for this woman He would make her feel a heat in her abdomen.  I told this to the translator at that time to make sure the Lord would get His glory.  We prayed for her and she felt a warmth spread all through her abdomen and around the side where her pancreas is and she was totally healed.  I asked for pictures of the baby when it comes.


A lady with no feelings in her hands for years.  Prayed once and nothing happened.  Prayed a second time and feelings suddenly came alive.  Hallelujah


Another woman with severe shoulder and back pain.  Prayed once, nada, twice a little better.  NO!  I wanted total healing.  Prayed a third time and TOTALLY HEALED!!!!!  Isn’t our Lord wonderful beyond all our comprehension?


A young man with severe shoulder damage causing constant dislocation and much pain.  I prayed and he felt something grab his shoulders and push them and tighten them in.  No problems after that.


A older lady with diabetic lesions in her eyes and could barely see.  I prayed and asked The Father to heal her eyes as a sign her diabetes was healed.  Pulled my hand away and she exclaimed is surprise,  My eyes, they can see!!  Oh Glorious Lord.


Another woman with severe stomach problems.  Couldn’t eat anything much, throwing up with blood.  He stomach was burning and hurting.  I prayed and asked God to remove the pain as a sign of total healing.  Done in the nome de Jesus.


An epileptic woman with pain in her body.  I prayed and asked for a removal of the pain as sign of epileptic healing.  All pain immediately left.  Epilepsy gone too.  She said she felt an electricity flow from her head where my hands were all down through her body removing all pain and filling her with peace.


This is good, talk about the faith of a child.  A little girl maybe 5 or 6 in line by herself, no parents, just her, pulled out her lower lip to show a lesion there.  Oh sweet Jesus, you could not even remotely deny this one could you oh my precious Lord.  The Holy Spirit fell on me, she was healed instantly and I just fell down laughing.


Another man who came to church to be healed of leg and back problems.   Instant healing.   Hallelujah to the Lord!!!!


Another note. 


Pastor spoke about me from the pulpit.  Douglas Martin Jr. talks to all the pastors where all the evangelists like myself visit and get their input on how they look at them.  They all spoke about the heavy anointing of love that was on me.  I was surprised a bit by this, but accept whatever from my Lords hands.  It is His love I live for!!!


Final note.

To all who read all these reports, grace and peace to you.  How can such fallen and frail flesh contain such glory??  I look at my hands from which so many are healed, sometimes at just the touch or even close proximity, and wonder how can this be?  Do you see this is the birthright of every Christian??!!  I am no different than you, my hands are not special.  I know when I minister in many places sometimes I look up and see people looking at me with wonder in their eyes, like they are looking at the face of Jesus.  His face must be just before mine and exuding His glory for them to see.  I wonder at my Lord to use such a one as me.  I am humbled by this so very much.  Do you see that He is so much more mighty than anything we face.  His promises are so enormous and full.  Lets us adore Him this season and come to Him, born in a manger, but who was also born a King.


My next trip will be back to The Philippines in March 2008.  This trip will be expensive far more than any other trip.  How can you help?  Give financially and pray for me.  Think about coming on a trip to see the glory of the Lord.  You will never be the same.